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শুক্রবার, ১ মে, ২০১৫

Romantic Sms

Give laugh to all but smile to one,
Give cheeks to all but lips to one,
Give love to all but Heart to one,
Let everybody love you
But you love one.
My love for you is like water,
Falling countless…
The beating of my heart,
For you is so heavy and soundless,
The feeling of being in your arm is so
Precious and endless.
Let all my smile be yours
All your tears be mine,
Let all my happiness be yours
All your sadness be mine,
Let the whole world be yours,
Only you be mine
You’re like
my asthma, you take my breath away.
Like dandruff; I can’t get you off my head.
Like my car, you drive me crazy.
Like dentures, I can’t smile without you.
If 10 people care for u,
one of them is me,
if 1 person cares for u that would be me again,
if no 1 cares for u that means
i’ m not in this world.

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